Happy December Dragonflies! 

December 01, 2023
  • Happy December Dragonflies!  We had an excellent and fun filled week at RED.  We started off with our final day of clubs!  In Dissection Club, we learned how similar frog bodies are to our own!  The Dragonflies in Book club discussed imagination and how it shapes our world.  Board Game club had a jurassic-ly good time playing  Draftosaurus.  Our week continued with some artistic endeavors.  We listened to beautiful piano music while sketching and learned that paint markers really do show up on fabric. In our extra  early release time on Thursday, all of RED played a giant game of bingo winning prizes and candy canes galore. Our week ended with an exciting Egg Drop filled with delight and drama watching which eggs cracked and which survived.



The Crickets had another awesome week!The honeybees had quite a busy week!